SC Rewind: Picture Parade

This week's Rewind is the monthly feature titled Picture Parade. In somewhat of a departure from a central theme, the current group of pictures are chosen for their diverse nature. Each one deals with a harness racing person, place or happening. Hope you enjoy looking at bits and pieces of the sport's past.
#1 - Can you recognize these two well-known personalities?
#2 - These two gentlemen hail from the U.S. but they are both pretty well known in Canada as well and probably recognizable. Can you put a name on them?
#3 - This very good photo goes back a ways but the subject driver should be recognized by many in the viewing audience. Who is he?
#4 - Can you identify this very well known driver? He was no stranger to the winner's circle.
#5 - Who can figure out at which track was this action shot taken? Pretty snazzy starting car!
#6 - Who is this fellow? He is no longer with us but he was a very well-known horseman in his day.
#7 - Can you put a name on this fellow holding a trophy? The farther east you live might be an advantage on this one.
#8 - I don't too often include caricatures but I liked this one. This man won just one Hambletonian and at the time he was the youngest driver to win that prestigious race. Can you figure out who he is?
#9 - A mere 48 years have passed since this was taken but these two lads should still be in a lot of memory banks. The young fellow on the right is still in the game. The two fellows in the middle were reps from Molson's Brewery.
#10 - Who are these two lads, perhaps engaging in a little fun at the track?
Quote For The Week: "Why are most hurricanes named after females? Answer: Simple, did you ever hear of a himmicane?"
Blast From The Past
Back when dog racing was a popular attraction in Florida (my wife and I went there on our honeymoon) the harness racing publicity folks had to try and coax people to come to see the pacers and trotters. I believe at one time there were at least a dozen dog tracks in the State but I don't think there are any left now.
This week's pictures were ....
This week's Picture Parade photos drew correct answers except for one (#8) which will be handled as a "carry over" this upcoming week.
#1 - Harry Eisen , noted harness writer (left) and Dave Wall
#2 - Howard Beissinger (left) and Dean Hoffman
#3 - Driver is Brian Webster
#4 - Lise Payette, Quebec political figure and driver Gilles Gendron
#5 - That starting scene was taken at Montreal's Richelieu Park
#6 - That fellow is Ohioan Joe Marsh Jr. ( Thanks Sheldon)
#7 - Driver is Aubrey Wood
#8 - This will be handled as "Carry Over" in the next Rewind . Check it out .
#9 - Walter Weese on the left and Rodney O. Duford on the right receiving driving awards at Dresden . BTW Rodney had a winner last Sunday at his home base Leamington Raceway with his filly Gracie T. Congrats!
#10 - Rick Zeron and Benoit Cote from a photo taken back in Montreal days.
who is it
#9 that would be Walter Weese with Mr. Duford at Windsor Raceway
1. Dave Wall 2. Howard Beissinger and Dean Hoffman 5. Maywood Park. Nice pictures. Bert Clish
#1 Harry Eisen and Dave Wall…
#1 Harry Eisen and Dave wall
#3 Brian Webster
#4 Gilles Gendron
#7 Mike McDonald
#9 Walter Weese, ?, Donnie Ross and my uncle Rod Duford
#10 Rick Zeron and Ben Cote
#7 Aubrey Wood
#7 Aubrey Wood
Let Gord know 6 is Joe Marsh Jr.
4: Lise Payette, Gilles Gendron
10: R .Zeron ,Ben Coté
1 Harry Eisen Dave Wall 2…
1 Harry Eisen Dave Wall 2 Howard Beissinger Dean Hoffman 3 Brian Webster 4 Gilles Gendron 5 Hollywood Park 6 7 8 9 ? 10 Ben Cote
Who is it
1 Stew Firlotte
4 Gilles Gendron
10. Rick Zeron et Benoit Côté
1. Harry Eisen,. Wally 2…
1. Harry Eisen,. Wally 2. Howard Biesinger, Chris Tully? 3. Brian Webster 4. Gilles Gendron 5. Roosevelt or Yonkers 6. Marcel Lerioux 7. No clue Dougie Walsh? 8. Ulf Thorensen? 9. Mike Novick? Rod Duford 10. The Whip, Ben Cote.