Rally Planned As Liberal Support Slips

The Ontario Harness Horse Association has offered its support of a rally scheduled for April 21, 2012 at Queen’s Park


This latest rally announcement comes the same day as the results of a poll are released that indicate the Liberals would fall from power in Ontario if an election was held today.

The Angus Reid online poll, conducted for the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Ontario, on April 2 and 3, 2012, surveyed 1,505 people. The results showed that the Liberal 53-seat minority would turn to PC minority government with 53 seats. The NDP would become the official opposition with 28 seats and the Liberals would lose half their seats, slipping to just 26.

According to Ontario News Watch, among the cabinet ministers that would lose their seats are Finance Minister Dwight Duncan, Environment Minister Jim Bradley, Charles Sousa, Harinder Takhar, Linda Jeffrey, Minister of Agriculture Ted McMeekin, Rick Bartolucci, Michael Gravelle and Liberal House Leader John Milloy.

These results come from the Angus Reid regional results fed into the seat projection model, performed by G.P. Murray Research.

"Obviously the results of the seat projections are a lot more alarming than what we've seen before, and it would be prudent to be concerned about it," said Graham Murray, president of G.P. Murray Research.

The rally, organized by the Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL), has received endorsement from some of the largest organized labour unions in Ontario, including those that have offered their support to the horse racing industry.

OHHA would like to encourage its members to attend if possible.

The OFL release appears below.

Tell Premier McGuinty to build Ontario, not tear it apart.

Premier McGuinty put banker Don Drummond in charge of recommending nearly 400 cuts to jobs and public services in Ontario. At a time when Ontarians are in desperate need of economic recovery, these cuts will jeopardize every aspect of society: from healthcare to full-day kindergarten to pensions. No public service is safe. However, in McGuinty’s reckless plan to balance Ontario’s books by putting more people out of work and destroying the social safety net, he refuses to roll-back corporate tax cuts that are starving the province of billions of dollars that could be better used to create new jobs and help tens of thousands of struggling Ontario families to get back on their feet.

Ontarians from all sectors of society must come together to tell Premier McGuinty that he cannot cut his way to economic prosperity. Ontarians need a job creation strategy and it is time that banks and corporations began paying their fair share.

The Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL) is working with community groups and organizations across Ontario to call on workers, retirees, students and community members to join a mass rally at Queen’s Park from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on April 21 to demand prosperity, not austerity!

Help to mobilize your members, your families and your communities to stop the cuts and put Ontario on the road to economic recovery.

Our collective future depends on it.

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