Scioto Announces September Scheduling Changes

The 90-day Eldorado Scioto Downs race meet is winding down, with some important notations for these last two weeks.
This Friday, Aug. 30, Scioto will host the $85,000 USD Ohio Sires Stakes Veterans Championships. There will be one non-betting event for the horse and gelding trot, with a first post of 5:40 p.m., with the other three aged divisions within the regular Friday card.
On Friday night, Scioto will also play host to the Ohio Harness Horsemen’s Association TVs & Tickets giveaway. Fans have a chance to win one of five prize packs that include a 55” television and a pair of football tickets.
There will be a special Labour Day card on Monday, Sept. 2, with the box closing at 2 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 29.
After Labour Day, the next live racing day is Thursday, Sept. 5, with racing continuing on Friday and Saturday. The Saturday, Sept. 7 card features the Jim Ewart Memorial Pace and the Charlie Hill Memorial Trot, both going for an estimated purse of $250,000 USD.
For the final week of Scioto's meet, there will be racing Wednesday, Sept. 11 through Saturday, Sept. 14.
Post time for all remaining cards, except for Friday, Sept. 13, is 5:45 p.m. First post for the Friday the 13th card will be 6:45 p.m., to help accommodate horsemen attending the Ohio Selected Yearling Sale.
(Scioto Downs)