Cam Fella Leg Winner Out Of Final

The final of the Cam Fella Series at Woodbine Racetrack took an interesting twist when one of the likely contenders was suspended for 90 days by the Ontario Racing Commission after a positive test


Reibercrombie, who won a division of the Cam Fella last weekend and was second the week before, received a positive for Class III drug Ephedrine, commonly found in decongestants.

The Casie Coleman trainee had a record of two wins in seven 2012 starts.


Is there any update available regarding the ORCs investigation into this case? Has the trainer met with the judges yet?

Horse gets 90 days right away. Trainer gets a hearing by appt with orc

The trainer hasn't met with the judges. She is yet to be fined/suspended or had the opportunity to appeal.

I thought the trainer was suspended when's there is a positive.
Anyone know for sure what happens?

That is an interesting point,
There are a few horses suspended for positive tests but do not see the trainers on the list.
Is there anyone who can shed some light on this?
I see Cry's Dream trainer just serving the suspension now but the horse itself was suspended right away?
Greg Parke

Waht I meant to say is this guilty until proven innocent approach is wrong. And now I get to participate in the process!

So I am confused, the horse was suspended, what was the penelty on the trainer? I see many trainers getting fines and suspensions for positive test in the fines and suspensions page. Looks like a lot of trainers should be getting there fines and suspensions overturned to level the playing field.

What suspension did the trainer recieve? Nothing posted in the fines and suspensions catgory.

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