Western Fair Lends A Helping Hand

This past Tuesday at The Raceway at The Western Fair District, the local racing community came together for 10-year-old Sheyanne O'Donnell, who is currently undergoing treatment for bone cancer at the McMaster Children’s Hospital in Hamilton, Ont


Sheyanne’s friend Tessa Henry, daughter of The Raceway’s leading driver Trevor Henry, helped organize the fundraising effort along with her mother Shannon. Several local trainers and drivers graciously donated their five per cent fees for the day to Sheyanne while countless others made generous donations. The total donation from the drivers and trainers who participated was $3,045. An additional $2,755 was raised through cash donations, bringing the overall total to $5,800.

Shannon Henry was trackside Friday night at The Raceway for a special cheque presentation. The money generated will be used to offset Sheyanne’s ongoing medical expenses.

“She is a special girl” Henry said in an interview trackside with The Raceway’s Sarah Imrie. “I want to thank everyone in the backstretch for their help; everyone’s support has been overwhelming.”

Additional donations can be made by contacting the Henrys at 519-848-5715 or 519-831-6921. Cheques can be made payable to Sheyanne’s mother Rebecca O’Donnell.

(Western Fair District)

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