Sheriff's Office Reaches Blast Conclusion

It has been reported that the Marion County Sheriff’s Office has reached a conclusion regarding what caused the February 10 hyperbaric chamber explosion at a Florida equine centre which claimed the lives of a six-year-old gelding and a 28-year-old worker


An article by has explained that the sheriff's office has concluded that the blast was an accident caused by contact of the horse's steel shoe with a metal part of the inside of the chamber. The metal part of the chamber had become exposed after the horse, 'Tux,' who was inside the chamber, kicked off a part of the protective padding and then struck the metal with his shoe.

The report also contains quotes from 33-year-old Sorcha Moneley, of London England, who was injured in the blast. She was at the Kentucky Equine Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation Center (KESMARC) in Ocala in order to gain information for the chamber's possible use overseas.

The blast killed Erica Marshall, the 28-year-old that had been working with the chamber for two years.

(With files from

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Something so simple as a protective padding coming off the horse and his foot touching the metal when the shoes could simply have been removed. What a terrible shame.

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