Watch The PEI Horse Breeders Conference

Live video was made available from both sessions of the 2023 PEI Horse Breeders Conference, presented by the PEI Standardbred Breeders Association.
The conference kicked off at 7 p.m. (AST) on Friday, Feb. 10 at Red Shores at the Charlottetown Driving Park. In addition to an update on PEISBA activities, and remarks from Minister Mark McLane, there were three panel discussions from industry participants.
The conference continued on Saturday, Feb. 11 at 10 a.m. (AST) with presentations by Dr. David Best, Dr. Jennifer Burns, and Dr Aimie Doyle on topics of interest to all horse breeders and owners. Dean and Ashley Wilson also remotely joined the event on Saturday afternoon to discuss their successful Standardbred operation. There were also updates on PEISBOA programs, and on Standardbred Canada services. The event concluded with the PEISBA annual meeting.
Details on the sessions appear below along with links to the video streams.
Friday, Feb. 10 - 7 p.m. start
- Welcome and Update on the Activities of the PEI Standardbred Breeders Association: Bruce Wood, Chair, PEISBA
- Minister’s Remarks: Hon. Mark McLane
- Looking To the Future Panel with Terra Baird, Landon Campbell, Zach Conway & Brendan Curran
- Succeeding In Harness Racing Panel with Ambyr Campbell, Jenn Doyle, Alexis Gass & Michelle Myers
- Selecting A Champion Panel with Gilles Barrieau, Marc Campbell, Corey MacPherson & Mike McGuigan
Saturday, Feb. 11 - 10 a.m. start
- Dr. David Best, Charlottetown Veterinary Clinic, Breeding/Foaling Preventative Measures
- Dr. Jennifer Burns, Atlantic Veterinary College, Nutrition for Mares and Young Horses
- Dr. Aimie Doyle, Atlantic Veterinary College, OCDs In Young Horses, Cause, Prevention, and Treatments
Saturday, Feb. 11 - 1 p.m. (resuming after lunch break)
- PEIHRIA Breeder Incentive Programs, Julie Jamieson, PEIHRIA Executive Director
- Yearling Preparation with Dean and Ashley Wilson, Kerwood, Ontario
- Doing Business in the Horse Business with Barb Wilson and Joy Power of Standardbred Canada
- PEISBA annual meeting (conclusion)