Verlik Discusses Alberta Racing

Horse Racing Alberta (HRA) launched a new industry communications podcast on Wednesday, Nov. 9, featuring Kent Verlik, CEO of HRA, on the first episode of "The Horses with Dawn Lupul."
In the podcast hosted by Lupul, HRA's new Director of Corporate Communications and Stakeholder Engagement, Verlik describes some of the challenges HRA faced in the year leading up to the pandemic and what extraordinary steps were taken to ensure that horse racing could continue to thrive in Alberta.
Verlik also covers the funding agreement with the Alberta government and the slot revenue claw-back to 50 per cent; the cessation of holdbacks from racetrack operators; the addition of Track on 2 as a racing entertainment centre; the rules of racing, where they can be found, and the rule change process; the five-year agreements with the racing associations and racetrack operators; and purse increases and the pursuit of further revenue streams in the province.
To listen to the podcast, click the green play button below.
(With files from Horse Racing Alberta)