Horsemen’s Hockey Tourney Sign-Up Closes Monday

The 2022 Horsemen’s Hockey Tournament is quickly approaching and with that comes the deadline for players to sign-up.
The deadline to sign-up and play in the 2022 tournament is this Monday (April 25). To sign-up, click here.
The 2022 Horsemen’s Hockey Tournament will be held on Sunday, May 1 at the Cambridge Sports Park.
The tournament will continue with its open draft format. Captains (to be named later) will draft their teams from the list of players signed up for the tournament. The draft will take place on Wednesday, April 27. The location will be announced in the coming days.
The entry fee for this year’s tournament is $50 a player (to be paid at the door). The entry fee guarantees a minimum of three games and a meal at the conclusion of the tournament.
The Horsemen’s Hockey Tournament could not be made possible without the support of past sponsors. Any individuals or groups interested in sponsoring this year’s event are encouraged to reach out to organizers Curtis MacDonald ([email protected]), James MacDonald and Mark McKelvie ([email protected]) through social media or e-mail.
(Horsemen’s Hockey Tournament)