Broadway Zinger Sets Stakes Record

Broadway Zinger had little trouble overcoming post seven, bursting to the front and staying there in a stake record 1:57 in Tuesday afternoon’s $120,000 Pennsylvania Stallion Series event at The Meadows
The stake for two-year-old colt and gelding trotters was conducted over six divisions, with Fashion Astral, Hall Harbour, Brigadier, Chapter Eleven and Scary Good taking the other splits.
Broadway Zinger’s most recent outing was a July 18 Stallion Series victory at The Meadows. On Tuesday, it was déjà vu all over again, as he scored by 2-3/4 lengths over Pilgrims Power, with Lindys Jersey Boy third. The time erased the stake mark of 1:57.3 established last year by Swan In A Million.
“He drove like a Cadillac and won well within himself,” Palone said. “He’ll get nothing but better. He’s a very easy horse to drive, and that makes my job easy.”
Trond Smedshammer trains Broadway Zinger, a son of Broadway Hall-Zing, for Diane Giuliano.
Fashion Astral had a similarly easy time of it, moving to the lead before the quarter and drawing off to score in 1:58.3 despite clear signs of inexperience. Pine Tab was second, five lengths back, while Bob And Bobby rallied for show.
“I’m not so sure the front’s the place to be with him,” Palone said. “He was running out, pulling up, looking at billboards and pylons. The ears were working the whole way. I had to talk him through it. He’s kind of a likable horse - full of himself. Once he has it figured out, he has a lot of talent.”
Jim Campbell trains Fashion Astral, a son of Broadway Hall-Armbro Astral who also captured a July 18 Stallion Series split at The Meadows, for Fashion Farms.
Hall Harbour made the front with a quarter-pole move but had to dig in late to hold off the hard-charging Clete Hanover by a nose in 1:59.3. MMs Yankee completed the ticket.
“I thought my best shot was to go down the pike with him,” Palone said. “I got him caught in the week before in a stake race. I actually expected him to finish a little bit stronger today. That says a lot for a horse when he can be maybe a little off his game and still win.”
As Broadway Zinger and Fashion Astral, Hall Harbour now boasts two victories in the Stallion Series. Ron Burke trains the homebred son of Cantab Hall-Harbour Belle for Howard Taylor, John Carver and Robert Feldman.
Wednesday’s program at The Meadows features the $224,634 Florida Pro, a Pennsylvania Sires Stake for freshman colt and gelding trotters. First post is 6:55 p.m.
(The Meadows)