The Travelling Horseman's Handbook - First Edition


It’s that time of year again — time for horsemen to hit the road in search of their next speedy superstar. As breeders and consigners pack up their yearlings (and their coffee pots) and head for one of a handful of major sales rings, trainers and owners follow suit, catalogues and cash in hand. For some, it’s the same old cycle as the year before, and the year before that... and maybe even the year before that. For others, it’s a whole new endeavor. We’ve talked to horsemen from both groups and done some digging on our own to bring you the first ever Trot travel guide — a quirky collection of local opinion about where to wine, dine, and, well... have a good time... in and around each of North America’s premier yearling sales. Read on to prepare yourself for an epic ringside adventure at every stop!

Compiled by Kimberly Fisher
Photography by Matt Waples

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