Wood Returns From Ghana

Veteran Dover Downs' horseman and humanitarian Ken Wood has returned from his 21st trip to the West African nation of Ghana where he has dug and installed more than 600 wells for drinking water

for the many thousands of Ghana residents. Before Wood’s arrival, the natives had to walk approximately five mile to reach often contaminated water.

Wood now is extending his project to aid Tanzania natives in similar style.

In October 2010, Wood was featured on the popular NBC Today Show with Jane Pauley.

Wood, a longtime resident of Easton , MD, is also a popular and successful horseman who has raced for more than three decades racing at Middle Atlantic region harness racetracks, more recently at Dover Downs, ill-fated Freestate and Rosecroft raceways, in New Jersey at the Meadowlands and at Chester Downs in Pennsylvania .
With his son Ben, Wood operate a highly respected well drilling company located on Maryland ’s Eastern Shore, not far from Delaware . The deeply religious Wood became aware of an urgent need for good drinking water in the poor West African nation of Ghana . At his own expense, Wood sent his drilling equipment by boat and flew to Ghana seeing in person seeing the need for fresh water.

Wood has donated his digging equipment and personally purchased other necessities estimated at many thousands of dollars, to his on-going project. He trains Ghana locals to continue the on-going work between his visits. Wood’s crusade has been aided by a number of Rotary clubs and has been recognized by AARP.

In 2008, Wood was honored for his humanitarian efforts by the U.S. Harness Writers Association. Wood has also been recognized by Harness Horse International, an organization representing harness horsemen through the world, with its distinguished ‘Dominic Frinzi Person of the Year award.

(Dover Downs)


Ken Wood and family, you are heroes! This is better than sending Foreign Aid. We know they are getting the help they so desperately need to drink clean water. God Bless you!

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