2011 National Driving Championship Card Set For Saturday

The races are set for this Saturday's National Driving Championship at Red Shores at Charlottetown Driving Park Racetrack & Casino
Standardbred Canada and Red Shores Racetrack and Casino at CDP hosted a reception for the 2011 NDC on Friday evening to introduce the drivers to members of the media, politicians, local horse people and industry officials. On Saturday, they'll be on a tour of the Island with stops at Meridian Farms, Summerside, and Cavendish.
First race post time on Saturday's 12-dash card is 6:00 p.m. Atlantic Time (5:00 Eastern) with NDC races carded from Race 3 through 10.
PLEASE NOTE: The video stream requires your computer to have Microsoft Silverlight installed. If you do not have Silverlight, you will not be able to view the races.
Click Here for the Live Harness Racing Stream from Charlottetown
If you are unable to install Silverlight, you can also watch the races through your HPI (Horse Player Interactive) account. It’s free to join! Get all the information at www.hpibet.com
The first 500 fans will receive a FREE souvenir, four colour NDC poster. The eight drivers will be on hand for a “Meet and Greet” autograph session from 5 p.m. to 5:45 p.m. in the grandstand.
Competing to represent Canada are the following drivers:
- representing Western Canada: Brandon Campbell, Dave Hudon
- representing Ontario: Trevor Henry, Jody Jamieson
- representing Quebec: Mario Charron, Sylvain Lacaille
- representing Eastern Canada: Kenny Arsenault, Gilles Barrieau
To view entries for Saturday's card of harness racing, please click one of the the following links:
Saturday Entries: Charlottetown Driving Park -- Saturday TrackIT Program - Charlottetown Driving Park
(Photo, Left to right: Brett Revington, Mario Charron, Sylvain Lacaille, Brandon Campbell, Dave Hudon, Lee Drake, Trevor Henry, Kathy Wade Vlaar, Jody Jamieson, Gilles Barrieau, Kenny Arsenault)
Good luck Trevor - from Red
Good luck Trevor -
from Red Williams and the boys
Bring it home Mr. Vancouver
Bring it home Mr. Vancouver (Dave Hudon)
Jim Vinnell and Harness B.C. wish you the best of driving in todays competition.
Don Patrick For all the
Don Patrick
For all the coverage this event is getting, it sure would be nice if I could watch and wager on it on the track or at the teletheater. Another marketing blunder by the industry.
Good luck Trevor. From the
Good luck Trevor.
From the Ontario and PEI Yeos
Best of luck "BOYS FROM THE
Best of luck "BOYS FROM THE WEST"
Red Hot Hudon!
Red Hot Hudon!
I totally agree with Ken
I totally agree with Ken Gunn! Can't imagine why the event would be scheduled when the Derby is racing!
In any event,I'm looking forward to Saturday! Good luck,good racing & safe trips to all participants.
Why in the world would this
Why in the world would this be scheduled at the same time as the Kentucky Derby?