Last Week's Poll Results

Last week's SC Poll, which asked, "Under ideal conditions how fast do you think Somebeachsomewhere can pace a mile at Lexington's Red Mile," has produced some interesting results.

A total of 2,946 respondents weighed in on the question and 72.8% (2,146 voters) believe that Somebeachsomewhere will pace a mile faster than 1:46.1. If that does happen, the mile would be faster than Cambest's 1993 time trial in which he stopped the clock in 1:46.1 at the Illinois State Fair in Springfield.

Cambest Time Trial

Out of all the Poll's specific time categories faster than 1:46.1, the category of 1:46 received the most votes (19.6% - 577 voters).

The poll results also indicate that 43.9% of respondents (or 1,295 voters) think that The Beach will pace a mile in the range of 1:45 to 1:45.4.

Still, the specific category that received the most votes was 1:46.2 or slower. The category received 19.8% of the vote, as 583 respondents opted for it.

An SC Poll conducted in February asked how fast people thought a three-year-old would pace a mile this season, and at that time a large majority of respondents believed the mile would be in the 1:47 to 1:48 range. Click here to view those results.

Last week's Poll result appear below.

Under ideal weather conditions, how fast do you think Somebeachsomewhere could pace a mile at Lexington's Red Mile?

• Faster than 1:45 - 274 votes 9.3%
• 1:45 - 175 votes 5.9%
• 1:45.1 - 108 votes 3.7%
• 1:45.2 - 232 votes 7.9%
• 1:45.3 - 334 votes 11.3%
• 1:45.4 - 446 votes 15.1%
• 1:46 - 577 votes 19.6%
• 1:46.1 - 217 votes 7.4%
• 1:46.2 or slower - 583 votes 19.8%

Total Votes: 2,946

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