One Track's Recipe For Success

"The clever folks at the Fair Grounds have achieved the impossible: They have created an entirely new form of decadent nighttime entertainment in a city that seemed to have already invented them all."
In the February issue of My New Orleans magazine, writer Jay Forman attended one of Fair Grounds' Friday night Starlight Racing cards. Starlight Racing is a "special monthly nighttime racing party" with live music and a buffet in the clubhouse, a trackside beer garden featuring food and drink specials and the Starlight go-go dancers. The track charges $10 for a wristband that provides entrance to the beer garden and clubhouse. As always, Starlight Racing guests are asked to help make it a special night and “dress to impress.” A recent promotion called “Bet or No Bet” gave patrons a chance to win a bet for $250 on one horse to win or walk away with $100.
“Our goal is to make sure every Starlight Racing is even better than the previous one,” said Fair Grounds Senior Director of Marketing Mark Conner. “The basic formula may stay the same – racing under the lights, live music, DJs, food and drink specials – but we’re constantly coming up with new ways to make each month a singular and memorable experience.”
Forman's review, titled "In Which I Lose Money at the Track But Don’t Care", heaps praise on Fair Grounds for providing a great night of entertainment. "If you haven’t had a chance to check it out, do so ASAP. There is only one date left this season (March 18th) but given the explosive popularity of the event and the crowds that ensue, expect it back next year and hopefully more frequently."
Stating the night provides "a whole lot of energy, weirdness and generally fun confusion," Forman sums up the experience with the following description:
You could hold a casting call for just about every reality show in existence here and fill three seasons worth of characters for each, plus extras. The Real Housewives have reservations in the Clubhouse. The Jersey Shore guys are hanging around the Starlight Dancers, while Snooki & Pals are at ground level whooping it up with battery-powered Big Gulp Martini glasses. The Real World krewe is dancing to live music on the fourth floor of the Clubhouse overlooking the paddock, and Throttle Junkies, Top Gear and Miami Ink may be found in the Grandstands near the Mutuel windows.
To read the full article on Starlight Racing, click here.
The two pictures
The two pictures accompanying this article really look like it's a success!
Interesting ! It might
Interesting ! It might alienate some of the senior patrons but maybe there could be a day of racing devoted for seniors with special events of interest to them. Either way, it's definitely thinking outside of the box, which is good to do every so often.
Finally - this is the sort
Finally - this is the sort of entertainment that could catapult Harness Racing in Ontario to a new level. The combination of nighttime entertainment and the attraction of a younger crowd is a recipe for success. I have maintained there is a lot of commercial space in most of our Grandstands to be able to build such a venue. This would attract a younger crowd and for some introduce them to Harness Racing and Slots entertainment. The investment will pay for itself in a short period of time in just the drinks and wristband type entrance charges, at the same time generate the people numbers we require to generate more handle. We could offer transportation to the venue at a cost basis, making stops at College Campuses and other major city centers, which could allow even our older crowd an alternative form of transport and allow them the ability to have a few drinks at the races without the concern of a ride home. Hats off to New Orleans!!!