Best Spot To Network? The Track

As harness racing looks to tap into new ways to bring people to the track, one area that has shown signs of promise in one of the biggest cities in the United States is the corporate sector
Shia Kapos, the lifestyle reporter and columnist for Crain's Chicago Business, feels the racetrack is a perfect spot to mix business with pleasure. She sheds light on a potential market for racing in her latest blog.
Kapos explains that businesswoman Suzanne Barrett has helped connect the corporate world with the racing world through the formation of Barrett Racing Stables, which allows businesspeople to easily join the ownership ranks. Barrett, who also owns Barrett & Associates and Barrett Office Suites & Services, has recruited part-owners in 15 to 20 horses.
"We never did it for investment purposes. It's for the cocktail-party story," said business owner Chris Hart, who has invested in and re-invested his winnings into owning horses.
"It's a good place to take clients," added businessman and former horse owner Chris Martin, who likes to head to the track with his clients to network instead of the golf course or other sporting venues.
To read Kapos’ blog in its entirety, click here.
(With files from Crain's Chicago Business)