Hiawatha Preferred To Its About Motion

Not even a first over trip keep Its About Motion from finding her way to the winner’s on circle on Thursday evening, as the Rob Fellows trainee dug in late to take home top prize

in the $10,000 Filly and Mare Preferred Pace.

Its About Motion, in rein to Scott Zeron, was allowed to settle into sixth while Plumbing Princess and Donnie Rankin, Jr. served up a :28.3 opening quarter. So Feminine took over command in the second quarter and had the field at the mid-way point in :57.3 for driver Brad Forward, who quickly came under attack from Its About Motion.

So Feminine kept Its About Motion parked to the three-quarter pole in 1:26, but her determined rival poked a head in front at the juncture before giving way and regaining command and winning by that same margin in 1:54.3. So Feminine was a brave runner-up and Shellace took home the show dough.

It was the third win of the season and the 13th lifetime tally for the five-year-old daughter of Your Nemesis, who is owned by Fellows and partners Steve Bregman, George Wilton and Hartley Borenstein. The mare has banked $150,514 to date.

To view Thursday’s results, click here.

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