Accident At Western Fair

The penultimate race on Western Fair's Thursday afternoon card of harness racing was the scene of a mishap involving three trotters


According to Western Fair's Brett Revington, M T L Maple (Michael Whelan) was in tight quarters with Visionary (Trevor Henry) as the Race 11 field approached the three-quarter mark, which resulted in M T L Maple falling to the track and Trevor Henry becoming unseated. Zorgwijk Hollander (Dave Wall) could not avoid the mishap and became loose as well.

All three horses that were loose on the track came out of the race unscathed with M T L Maple having some minor scrapes. As well, all drivers involved - Trevor Henry, Michael Whelan and Dave Wall - avoided injury. Whelan booked off his last mount for precautionary reasons.

To view the chart from Thursday's card, click here.


1/2 mile tracks, thing of the past, no room to avoid potential mishaps.

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