'Urban Village' Planned For Aylmer

For nearly 100 years, Aylmer's racetrack hosted horse racing. The historic site that was formerly known as Connaught Park and Hippodrome d'Aylmer is now slated to become an 88-acre European concept 'urban village.'

The Ottawa Citizen is reporting that Gatineau developer Alain Bouladier, who purchased the the former half-mile track last fall from Attractions Hippiques, could turn the area into a residential area with professional services and recreational facilities within walking distance.

“All the services and recreation needs will be in the community. You could have a library, community centre, businesses, green space, housing and public transportation in the neighbourhood,” said Councillor Alain Riel, who told the Citizen that Gatineau residents will be asked their opinion on how the area should be developed.

To read the full article, click here.


ATTRACTIONS HIPPIQUES a prit moins de temps que prevu pour fermer l INDUSTRIE DES COURSES AU QUEBEC, BRAVO encore a toute l equipe pour leur EXCELLENT boulot de DEMOLISSEUR.

just want to thank all our friend from ATAQ and all our friends from the Breeding colony for making this all possible, we almost made it to 100 years of racing in Aylmer, was just not meant to be i guess !!!!

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