Racing For Change


Would people who watch television shows like Dancing With the Stars and The Apprentice tune in to watch a program based on celebrities teamed with horses, trainers and jockeys?

In the United Kingdom, one group is convinced people would watch. That group is called Racing For Change, whose aim is to introduce a greater customer focus into the sport to make it relevant to the leisure consumer of today.

Among their projects for 2010 is Free Racing Week, running from April 26 - May 1. Over a period of six days, eight tracks will open their gates and welcome visitors free of charge so they can experience the thrill of a day at the races.

The concept of a TV series pairing celebrities with teams of horses, trainers and jockeys proved popular with research groups, according to RFC chief executive Rod Street.

"We undertook extensive consumer research, from focus groups of racing fans, occasional racegoers, Sky Sports watchers, all-female groups, mixed groups, over-50s groups and 20-something groups," said Street to Racing Post. "The collective feedback from that was, 'We get it. We really like things that are interesting, compelling, quirky and we can follow'.

"They get those sorts of formats with a nice, compelling hook."


People don't know what horse racing is all about. I have been involved in various aspects of the horse industry for 20 years, and only came to harness racing a couple of years ago. It has been an eye-opener to me in both good and disappointing ways. Absolutely anything that can be done to spark interest in new people being attracted to racing as participants, fans or bettors should be encouraged, not disparaged!

can't wait to watch on line

Marie Stoyles-Moura

This is the stupidest thing i have ever heard!

This would be like pairing a celebrity with the workers who make a slot machine!No one cares.Horse racing is about GAMBLING.The MONEY.

Jim Gallagher I think this is a great idea! There is a similar show in the U.S. where people tune in to watch young men train to be ultimate fighters. Each week they feature a couple of the fighters, then they show them in a fight at the end of the episode. After the fight, they interview them and their coaches. The same could be done here. Feature a couple trainers/horses/drivers out of a group each week, then show their races at the end of the show after which time the "thrill of victory/agony of defeat" is shown in interviews.

In reply to by JimGallagher

John Harrison--I agree with Karen 100% and feel that people already know what horse racing is all about, They have been there and didn't like what they saw and left for some other type of activities and sport betting. I would not sit home and watch any owner/trainer or driver telling or showing Me what they do and how they do it. What should be done is maybe have some type of group handicapping seminars at the tracks to see if people could get interested in the sport again. Horse racing is what they call a Kings Sport and less and less people could afford it any more.

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