'Mash' Can't Make Up His Mind

Bangers And Mash is an interesting 11-year-old trotter-turned-pacer-turned-trotter which made a visit to the winner's circle last week for his owner, trainer and driver

Kennedy Lindsey.

Bangers And Mash, a New Zealand-bred, was good enough to win in 1:57.2 on the trot at Cal-Expo three years ago, but seemed to make as many breaks as he did complete flat miles. He switched over to pacing for a period, than returned to his original gait when purchased by Lindsey some six months ago.

“I’d seen him trot in [:]57 and change for Louie (Pena) and thought I’d give him another chance as a trotter,” Lindsey explained. “Needless to say, it’s been a work in progress. He’s got quite a bit of speed, but he’s also as bull-headed as they come.”

The veteran was his old off-stride self to close out 2009 and start 2010, but he has now trotted three straight miles without a miscue, including last week’s coast-to-coast score for Kennedy on a dreadful Cal-Expo night which would have challenged the postman to make his appointed rounds.

“The key with this horse is the shoeing, and I’ve had to do a lot of experimenting,” Lindsey explained. “You have to remember, this is a very high-strung horse and when he makes up his mind to start running, there’s no stopping him. If he jumps off during a race and you can’t duck him behind the car or into a chute, he’ll pull your arms off.”

As mentioned earlier, Bangers and Mash has now gone three complete tours without making a break.

“I just let him ease out of there and on to the lead last time, and once he made it around the far turn, I knew we were safe.”

At least for the time being, this is an old trotter-turned-pacer-turned-trotter which has been able to learn some new tricks. Win or lose, it’s always an adventure with this guy whether you’re in the bike or betting $2 to win.


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