Meadowlands Assembles Task Force

The Meadowlands Racetrack has created a task force focused on perception of practices while on the racetrack. This committee will be comprised of various industry participants including customers, horseplayers, media, racetrack management, drivers, and trainers.

The committee will be asked to observe the horses from the time they enter the track until they exit, while paying particular attention to the appearance of the post parades, drivers speaking while scoring, first-turn courtesy tucks, half-in and half-out racing, and coming off the pylons at the top of the stretch essentially creating a passing lane where one does not exist, along with any other topics that they feel need to be addressed.

This initiative will begin on the weekend of April 9th. The committee will take notes on the races and communicate their thoughts and observations to Meadowlands Chief Operating Officer and General Manager Jason M. Settlemoir on Monday mornings.

Each Wednesday, the committee will meet by conference call to hear and discuss the weekend's observations. If necessary, the notes may be forwarded to the tracks Presiding Judge.

The committee will meet through the end of May, with the last conference call slated for Wednesday, June 2 at which time a decision will be made regarding the continuation of the initiative.

Committee Chairman Jason M. Settlemoir had this to say: “We are appreciative of these individuals who have committed their time and effort to this taskforce. Jeff (Gural) and I are constantly getting feedback from customers, trainers and drivers by e-mail or by phone calls along with social media. We feel it is important to point things out that everyone sees when we race to all trainers, drivers, and our judges.

"Customers, whether making big or small wagers, want real answers when they bet their hard earned money on our races. They want to know why a driver provides a "courtesy" (a term better suited to the Maître d at a fine restaurant and not used in any sport other than horse racing) tuck, why a driver would sit in the middle of the track waiting for cover to develop, why are horses consistently drifting off the pylons at the top of the stretch and letting others go up the inside when there is no passing lane at any of the Gural properties.

"A couple of my pet peeves are talking on the track, and post parades, so we will address those too. Let’s face it, the product we put out is seen by almost everyone on TV not sitting live at the track. Customers see these things when the cameras happens to move past them or position on them. Talking on the track is a perception issue in my opinion and while most of the times our post parades are pretty good as they are led by design by our starter around the track.

"I look forward to hearing what the customers say and the trainers and drivers as well. I believe this is an important step to continue to improve our product.”

(The Meadowlands)


I take exception to 2 very disturbing things in harness racing. First is the courtesy tuck. I noticed at larger tracks if someone comes in to race, and not a big stable name, they are going to be parked. Yet the same drivers will let their buddy in. Second is laying on the outside waiting for cover. If you pull the right line, move. I hate it when you have 6 or 7 horses backed up and no one moving. It’s a horse race, if you move out advance or be fined, especially if someone moves 3 wide and suddenly, miraculously the horse gets his second wind and carries this horse. This is the same situation as years ago with a slow half. Judges, do your job - forget about appeals. If I were a judge I would enforce the rules and let them appeal all my rulings. The commission needs to endorse the rules. Let the large stables, and the top drivers appeal, and if guilty let them get the same penalty as the not so famous driver. Don’ t reduce the penalty because of who they are. It’s time racing cleaned up it’s act or the betting dollar will find a more friendly place.

Make the drivers ACCOUNTABLE.Interview the drivers after the race on TVG and HPI.I am not talking the winning drivers, I am talking about the 3/1 shots sitting 5th after first turn and just sits on rail the entire race, courtesy tucks, etc. If your industry is going to compete with sports betting then you better educate the public into the "thought process" of these drivers with handicappers' hard earned money on the line. Right now a driver can walk a horse around the track with no intentions of winning and no questions asked. No other sport gets away with that.

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