2020 'Stable Star' Contest Info

In conjunction with its annual yearling sale, the Standardbred Horse Sales Company is pleased to announce the 2020 edition of its popular 'Stable Stars' contest.

In the contest, contestants are tasked with predicting the 'knockdown' sales prices of 15 yearlings to be sold on Tuesday, November 3.

An online entry form can be completed from a link on the homepage of The Black Book website (www.theblackbook.com); by submitting a printed and scanned form by email to jcasey@hanoverpa.com; or by fax to 717–637–6766 until Friday, October 30, and thereafter to 410–560–3582. The deadline for submission of entries is Monday, November 2 at noon.

Prizes will be given to contestants whose predictions are closest to the actual knockdown prices for individual yearlings, and whose total price predictions are closest to the total knockdown prices for all 15 yearlings in the contest.

Prizes are as follows:

1st Place – contestant whose grand total of all 15 yearling prices is closest to actual total knockdown prices. The winner will receive a Standardbred hat and vest, a $100 gift certificate to the Harness Racing Museum and Hall of Fame store, and a $100 Amazon gift certificate.

2nd Place – contestant whose grand total of all 15 yearling prices is second closest to actual total knockdown prices. The second-place prize will be a Standardbred hat and vest, a $50 gift certificate to the Harness Racing Museum and Hall of Fame store, and a $50 Amazon gift certificate.

Individual hip number winners – each contestant whose prediction is closest to the actual knockdown price of each of the 15 yearlings will receive a Standardbred hat and a $25 gift certificate to the Harness Racing Museum and Hall of Fame store. Prizes will be mailed to the winners after the sale.

The most astute contestants may win multiple prizes. Winners will be posted during the sale on our Facebook page and on our Twitter feed (#blackbooksale).

All fans of harness racing are encouraged to test their knowledge of yearling sales in the contest, and to follow the sale by live video stream from a link on The Black Book website (www.theblackbook.com).

Some restrictions apply. Please see the website for details.

(Standardbred Horse Sales Company)

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