NCAD In Photos

The third edition of National Caretaker Appreciation Day events, that took place from September 18 - 20, was shared on broadcasts, video streams, web, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

SC would like to share some of the photos we received from racetrack events in this short video.

If you were a caretaker at an NCAD event last weekend, we’d love to get your feedback. Click here to take a very short survey. We’ll draw from everyone who takes the survey for a $100 VISA gift card. The deadline to complete the survey is October 5.

Thank you to the following contributing photographers:

  • Century Downs – Karen Franco

  • Flamboro Downs

  • Grand River Raceway – Melissa Anderson and Brittany Smeltzer

  • Hippodrome 3R – Sylvain Gagnon

  • Kawartha Downs – and Jim Huck

  • Leamington Raceway – Lynette Bain

  • Red Shores Racetrack & Casino at CDP – Stephanie Mitchell

  • Red Shores Racetrack & Casino at Summerside – Darla MacEachern


  • Woodbine Mohawk Park – Travis Forbes, Robin MacKay, Kathy Wade Vlaar

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