Brittany To Offer Virtual Inspections
With the travel uncertainties caused by the COVID-19 pandemic this year, Brittany Farms has announced that it will offer complete, virtual inspections of its yearlings via its website this fall.
The farm stated the online inspections are meant to be used as an evaluation tool for all, and especially as a means for looking at yearlings by those unable to travel. But it stressed that the usual in-person inspections at the farm by owners, trainers or their representatives would be welcomed, as always.
“With the situation involving COVID-19 restrictions being so fluid, we’re making an extra effort to offer buyers a complete online inspection of the yearlings,” said farm manager Art Zubrod. “But I hope they can avail themselves to visiting the farm this summer or fall, as nothing beats a personal inspection.
“Every state has restrictions that seem to change on a daily basis, and foreign travel is also a big question mark at this point in time,” Zubrod said. “With that being the case, maybe an online inspection is the only option for some people... so we’ll be offering that the very best we can.”

Standardbreds pictured at Brittany Farms.
The roster and pedigrees of the Brittany Farms yearlings selling at the Lexington Selected Sale this October are now available on its website,
In addition to traditional high-definition yearling action videos, the farm will post 'walking videos' that will include conformation close-ups at several different angles for each horse. All of the videos, produced by Larry Cohen, will be available in early fall.
The consignment of 20 yearlings from the 2019 'Breeder of the Year' features four from the highly-anticipated first crop of Chapter Seven’s great son Walner — a World Champion, Breeders Crown Champion and Dan Patch Champion as a two-year-old.
Also selling are six outstanding first foals, plus siblings or close relatives to such standouts as American Jewel, Bettors Wish, Wolfgang, Captain Ahab, Ontopofthehill (Muscle Hill full brother), Starita and Special Honor.
“We’ve proven year-in and year-out that champions are bred here and that our ‘new’ farm is absolutely ideal for raising great racehorses,” Zubrod said. “You’ll see that continue with our fall sale yearlings.”
(Brittany Farms)