PA Begins To Get Clearance To Race

Late in the evening on Wednesday, June 10, the Pennsylvania Harness Horsemen's Association and the Meadows Standardbred Owners Association revealed via social media that clearance has been given for at least some live horse racing to resume in the State of Pennsylvania, contingent on the implementation of proposed safety measures.
The PHHA simply shared on social media, "We have received approvals from the PA Department of Health to resume live racing. More information to follow as it becomes available."
Although the MSOA's announcement didn't offer much more information, it did explain that the state's department of health has approved racing to resume at the Meadows, and for horsepeople to stay tuned for race dates.
The MSOA's social media announcement did include a screen grab of a letter sent to the Meadows from the Pennsylvania's secretary of health, Rachel Levine.
The screen grab of the letter, which appears below, indicates that racing at the Meadows has been clearance to resume if measures set forth in the track's reopening plan are implemented and maintained.
Now that Pennsylvania is back
Now that Pennsylvania is back on board, it appears that by mid-July, every harness track in North America which is scheduled to be open will be open and racing again, albeit most of them sans spectators.