Hambo Society's May 15 Payment Reminder

The Hambletonian Society has released May 15 payment information for stakes races that it administers.

The Hambletonian Society's release contains links to the payment forms for the races that it administers which have payments due by Friday, May 15, 2020, which must be postmarked by midnight of Monday, May 18.

The forms are always available on the hambletonian Society's website and by calling the office and having them faxed or emailed to those in need. All the forms on the website are pdf-fillable. Just type right in the form, print as many as you need, and return the form with your payments.

Along with cheques, the Hambletonian Society is accepting credit cards as a form of payment for any stakes payments that individuals may want to make. All credit card payments are subject to a three per cent service fee, which will be added to the payment total.

In May, sustaining payments are due for a majority of the two-year-old races that the Hambletonian Society services. Yearling payments are also due this May, as well as the supplement payment for the Courageous Lady three-year-old filly event.

Below are the races which have a payment due this May (broken down by division):

Yearlings Pacers: Adios, Arden Downs, Breeders Crown #35, Cane Pace, Fox Stake, Horseman, Hoosier Stake, MGM Messenger Grand Stakes, Progress Pace.

Yearlings Trotters: Arden Downs, Breeders Crown #35, Currier & Ives, Dexter Cup, Hambletonian, Hoosier Stake, Horseman, Ralph Wilfong and MGM Yonkers Trot.

Two-Year-Olds: Breeders Crown #34, The Elevation, Fox Stake #94, Hoosier Stake #84, Kentuckiana Stallion Management Pace/Trot, Keystone Classic, Landmark Early Closer, Liberty Bell #84, Matron Series, Reynolds Memorial, Simpson Memorial, Tompkins-Geers early closer and the Ralph Wilfong #83.

Three-Year-Olds: Courageous Lady supplement payment.

As a reminder, there are stallion restrictions for the Breeders Crown and Cane Pace yearling payments that are due on May 15. Foals of Downbytheseaside are ineligible to be paid into the Cane Pace per the Stallion Restriction Condition (SRC) in the Cane Pace conditions.

For the Breeders Crown, a list of the stallions whose foals are Breeders Crown-eligible for foals of 2019 (Breeders Crown #35) can be found here: Breeders Crown #35 Stallion List. Links to the lists of eligible stallions for previous and future years can be found here. Links to the lists of eligible stallions for previous and future years can be found here.

The condition sheets for each race can be found on the Hambletonian Society website on the specific race page set up for that race. In all cases, only one cheque is ever necessary for each of the four payment periods (i.e. February 15, March 15, April 15 or May 15).

To make it more convenient, eligibility lists can be emailed to those nominators who provide the Hambletonian Society with their email address and request these lists. Eligibility lists are always available on the Hambletonian Society here.

For further information, or to update your status on the Hambletonian Society's mailing list, please feel free to call the Hambletonian Society office at 609-371-2211 or email [email protected].

(With files from the Hambletonian Society)

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