Turkmen Horse Day Draws Crowds

The COVID-19 pandemic has proven to be no match for Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov's passion for the equine.

According to multiple reports, Turkmenistan's president was front and centre as the country of 5.6 million recently celebrated its national Turkmen Horse Day.

According to Turkmenistan's state media, multiple events honouring horses, which were attended by citizens, have recently taken place in Turkmenistan. On Sunday, April 26 in particular, the country's annual horse beauty contest, dancing performances, art shows and a horse race took place at Turkmenistan's Equestrian Sports Complex.

Spectators co-mingled as the annual events were conducted, although President Berdimuhamedov took in the proceedings from a sealed enclosure. Turkmenistan, which borders Iran, one of the hardest-hit COVID-19 countries, has officially stated that it has not recorded a single positive coronavirus case.

President Berdimuhamedov went viral in 2013 after falling from his horse during a Turkmen Horse Day race, and has attracted attention for numerous equine-related news items ever since.

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