They're Off And...Riding?

What does an older racehorse and a younger racehorse owner do with no horse racing currently taking place in Ontario? Right now, it’s an easy answer for Kelley McNiven: “We ride!”
The 20-year-old McNiven, a student of family studies and psychology at Brescia University, is aiming towards a career in the education field. “My career aspirations always changed as a child,” she said. “As much as I love animals, I’m not good with blood so, unfortunately, being a vet was never an option for me.
“I’ll be applying for teachers' college this summer/fall as I want to be a primary/junior teacher or special education teacher,” she continued. “Being a teacher also has the bonus of having the summers off -- to spend more time with the horses. During the summer and school breaks, for now, I work with the racehorses which is really enjoyable.”
Born and raised into the business, Kelley’s parents Scott and Kim appear to have passed on their passion for harness racing to their only child. “They had their own stable long before I came along, so I’ve been exposed to the racing world my whole life,” she said. “I can remember going to the kid nights, in the grandstand at Western Fair, with some of my friends who also had parents in the business. My earliest memory of actually working in the paddock would be on my 10th birthday -- the day I got my ORC license. I got to help my mom with one of my favourite horses at the time, Wind Drifter.”
One of the many popular performers in recent memory from the McNiven outfit is Kendal Gustav, a horse Kelley recalled fondly. “He was an all around great horse and was really good on track, but was a nice horse to be around in the barn too,” noted McNiven. “My Mom always looked after him, but I do remember helping with him at the beginning of his career. His stall was at the front of the barn so he was always the first horse you saw and he always had his ears up looking for you.
“He was not only a big part of our stable, but a big part of our family. He gave us a lot of memories that I wish we could relive, because I know I took for granted how special he was.”
Picking a favourite horse in the barn at the present is a more difficult task.
“That’s always a tough question, for me, because I get attached to the horses so easily...whether they’re my own or horses that I’ve looked after for other people. Alphabet Queen will probably go down as my all-time favourite,” she admitted. “I picked her out at the yearling sale, helped break her, and have looked after her almost every start of her racing career. It’s special to have been able to see her develop into the racehorse she is today. I also love being able to put all my purple racing gear on her too.”
“Kendal Fresco is an obvious pick for me. We got Fresco when I was just starting to work in the barn, so he’s been with me through a lot...which makes him so special. Ride Away Shark is another special horse to me. She’s been so good to us.”
As an owner, McNiven pointed to a number of victories that hold a special place in her heart. “My first ever victory, as an owner, came at The Raceway with a horse named Jump For Joy, so that was a really exciting win for me. All wins are exciting so it's hard to choose. I guess my favourite win would have to be when Kendal Fresco won, with Jody Jamieson driving, during the Ontario Regional Driving Championship (in May 2014). They were in the last race of the championship that night, so it was nerve-wracking, but Jody ended up winning with him to move onto Charlottetown for the Nationals!”

Kendal Fresco is no one-trick pony either, as McNiven also rides the 12-year-old gelding away from the racetrack.
“I was nervous to ride him for the first time, but he took to it easily and has enjoyed it ever since!” she said. “It’s awesome to see the breed be able to do more than just race and to be able to see my own horse be both a racehorse and a riding horse is very rewarding. I love being able to get on his back and enjoy something different.
“Fresco is the only horse in the barn I’ve been riding, but maybe one of these days I’ll try riding my Mom’s horse Sandys Candy.”
During this downtime from racing and when not riding Kendal Fresco, McNiven has been kept busy with her studies.
“I’ve been finishing class assignments for school as my classes have now moved online. But I also find myself helping out at the barn a lot too...This being away from the track has definitely been hard for me, like everyone else. Going to the races is not like a job for me, it’s an enjoyment as it’s my ‘getaway’ from school.
“And I definitely miss getting to see and socialize with my friends at the track,” continued McNiven. “This time off is a real refresher on how we take our daily lives for granted, so I cannot wait to get back to racing and to appreciate it even more.”
(Shannon ‘Sugar’ Doyle for The Raceway at Western Fair District)