Focus On Woodbine Backstretch

Many in the Ontario standardbred business have been to their fair share of backstretches. But not many harness racing horsepeople have been to the backside of the nation's showplace of Canadian horseracing, Woodbine Racetrack. An article in Tuesday's edition of the National Post

takes you right in.

“Horse racing is a love affair that drives you crazy,” Shawn Kennedy, Woodbine’s chaplain, was quoted as saying in the article. “There’s times that the sport seems unbelievably cruel, and yet, where else would you rather be?”

“It’s not just a job, it’s a vocation,” rider/blacksmith Frank Belanger was quoted as saying. “The animals are so gratifying. They’re honest, they don’t lie to you. And when you try hard for them, they try hard for you.”

Click here to the read the National Post article in its entirety.

(With files from the National Post)

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