EquiMania! A ‘Royal’ Favourite

The award-winning display of EquiMania! will be featured for a 14th consecutive year at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair, in Toronto this November 1 - 10.

Get your party hat at the front entrance and get set for another exciting horse-lovers expedition through EquiMania!

Horsey hopscotch for the little ones, food for thought at the digestion displays, get a grip on great riding gloves, marvel at the massive tree of life, and ample anatomy for all!

Don’t forget there are prizes to be won leading to more fun ways to learn about horses with Equine Guelph’s short course draw. It is free to enter and you could win a course on TheHorsePortal.ca

KIDS – We have a special contest just for youth (13 – 17)! You could win one of five chances to take an awesome two-week online course, Horse Behaviour and Safety for Youth, November 25 – December 6, 2019. Simply write down your name and email along with under 100 words describing the coolest thing you have learned about horses so far or the reason why you like horses and hand it in to any of the staff working in the EquiMania! booth.

In 2003, EquiMania! was developed and has operated on a zero-based budget since inception. Oh, how it has grown into a hugely popular exhibit that has been as far afield as the 2010 World Equestrian Games in Kentucky, USA.

We could not do it without our loyal sponsors and our amazing volunteers: ESSO, Greenhawk, Kubota Canada, Ontario Equestrian, Shur-Gain, SSG Gloves, System Fencing and Workplace Safety and Prevention Services.

Kids can also visit EquiMania.ca to play games online and learn more about horses with amazing interactive activities.

To book EquiMania! for an event contact [email protected].

(Equine Guelph)

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