Woodbine Launches Dual-Breed Pick-4

Woodbine Entertainment, home of world class Thoroughbred and Standardbred horse racing, will launch a dual-breed Crossover Pick-4 wager for the first time ever this Friday (Aug. 16).

The Woodbine Crossover Pick-4 is a new wager where horseplayers must pick the winners of the last two Thoroughbred races at Woodbine Racetrack and the first two Standardbred races at Woodbine Mohawk Park. The wager will be offered every Friday.

The Crossover Pick-4 will have a 20-cent minimum bet.

The sequence, which has an approximate run time of an hour and a half, will be as follows:

Leg 1: Woodbine Thoroughbred Race 6
Leg 2: Woodbine Thoroughbred Race 7
Leg 3: Woodbine Standardbred Race 1
Leg 4: Woodbine Standardbred Race 2

First race post time on Fridays is 4:05 p.m. at Woodbine Racetrack and 7:50 p.m. at Woodbine Mohawk Park.

A free PDF program for Friday's card is available here.




This will be an interesting possibility. VERY interested to see what kind of pool is totalled. My free guess is $45 K for this week and up to $65 K next week?

Any invention that is a bonus for the "paying" customer has to be good.

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