Harrington Hosts Pet Adoption Day

Harrington Raceway and the Kent County SPCA joined forces to host a wildly successful ‘Pet Adoption Day’ during Sunday’s 15-race program


As part of the day, a pet food/donation drive was held in which patrons/horsemen brought bags of pet food throughout the evening. The response from the community was overwhelming. A record total of more than 7,000 pounds was donated and drivers Tony Morgan and Corey Callahan graciously agreed to donate 25 cents for every pound. It was the most successful single community fundraiser the Kent County SPCA has ever hosted.

Lucky horseshoes were purchased throughout the evening as well, with all proceeds going to benefit the Kent County SPCA. Harrington Raceway’s Director of Facilities Karen Craft, Judy Davis-Wilson, executive director of the Delaware Standardbred Breeders Fund, Harness Racing Communications’ Ellen Harvey, Murray Goldthwaite and Mary Ann D’amato, both of the Kent County SPCA, were among many volunteers that helped spearhead the campaign and played an integral part in its success.

Callahan and Heather Moffett, host of the popular local harness racing show ‘Post Time’, signed autographs throughout the evening.

(Harrington Raceway)

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