SC Seeks Member Input
Are you happy with how and how often Standardbred Canada communicates with you? Do you head to first thing in the morning for your racing news, follow us on Facebook, Twitter?
SC is looking for feedback on how it communicates with its members. One of the goals in the current Strategic Plan is to continue to design and provide effective communication platforms focused on creating interest, awareness and support for the Standardbred industry.
If SC has your email address on record, you will receive a survey later today (Wednesday, April 3) that will take 10-15 minutes to complete.
The participation of everyone that receives this survey is important, as it will help SC in its efforts for improving the website, magazine, and social media accounts, as well as SC’s overall communications with members. SC would greatly appreciate your participation and feedback!
The objectives of the survey are to:
Learn how and how often members want to receive communication from SC (over and above business transaction-related communication).
Learn about the social media habits of the SC membership.
Determine where to focus in terms of types of content for any and all of SC’s communication vehicles (web, magazine, Facebook and Twitter).
The deadline to complete the survey is Monday, April 15.