Top Drivers at Woodbine Mohawk Park

Top Winning Drivers for the Year

January 1, 2025 Through March 29, 2025

DRIVERS                       Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UDRS
James A Macdonald             345    75    64    46   1,064,735    21.7    .364
Louis-philippe Roy            239    52    26    29     724,110    21.8    .318
Douglas R Mcnair              227    45    39    20     661,710    19.8    .323
Travis A Cullen               262    36    41    42     653,464    13.7    .277
Tyler J Borth                 345    34    37    46     604,610     9.9    .202
Trevor S Henry                286    29    31    30     601,550    10.1    .196
Billy J Davis Jr              272    28    30    36     426,920    10.3    .208
Bob Mcclure                   189    22    26    19     444,740    11.6    .226
Scott R Young                 127    21    10     8     253,350    16.5    .230
Jody C Jamieson               172    18    18    29     326,280    10.5    .218
Tyler S Jones                 160    16    10    20     248,495    10.0    .176
Brett A Macdonald             212    13    16    12     215,770     6.1    .122
Jonathan L Drury              193    11    22    34     291,280     5.7    .179
Jean Rene Plante              134    11    17    10     198,466     8.2    .177
Phillippe Hudon               199    10    13    17     228,410     5.0    .115
Ondrej Gois                    30     5     1     3      66,290    16.7    .218
Todd Ratchford                 74     4     6     7      90,110     5.4    .130
Guy Gagnon                     31     4     1     6      45,910    12.9    .211
Chris Christoforou             15     4     1     3      46,450    26.7    .370
Andy C Moore                   16     4     1     3      52,040    25.0    .347
Ed F Hensley                   78     3     5     2      79,660     3.8    .082
Michael W Whelan               40     3     2     9      80,260     7.5    .177
Travis J Henry                 38     2     4     3      62,450     5.3    .137
Mario J Baillargeon            26     2     3     4      50,520     7.7    .192
Dagfin E Henriksen             17     2     3     4      44,370    11.8    .294
Kyle A Husted                  22     2     1     1      35,350     9.1    .131
Tyler Moore                     8     2     1     0      37,550    25.0    .319
Jeffrey P Hunt                 16     2     0     5      36,960    12.5    .229
Colin Kelly                    13     1     4     1      29,420     7.7    .273
Dale Pr Spence                 19     1     4     1      33,590     5.3    .187
Jean Bernard Renaud            13     1     3     1      25,210     7.7    .230
Austin Sorrie                  13     1     3     1      25,440     7.7    .230
J Bradley Harris               13     1     2     2      25,660     7.7    .213
Nicholas R Boyd                16     1     2     0      22,740     6.2    .131
A Eddie Green                   2     1     1     0      13,000    50.0    .777
Scott Coulter                   3     1     0     0       8,500    33.3    .333
Ryan Guy                       16     1     0     0       9,410     6.2    .062
Maggie Jones                    1     1     0     0       8,000   100.0   1.000
George Ketros                   5     1     0     0       9,940    20.0    .200
Daryl Thiessen                  5     1     0     0      11,220    20.0    .200
Patrick J Hudon                18     0     5     3      33,840     0.0    .209
Mark G Etsell                  17     0     5     2      28,580     0.0    .202
Damian Maclellan                7     0     2     1       8,920     0.0    .206
Robert H Jenkins Jr             4     0     1     2       8,330     0.0    .305
Steven Hudon                   16     0     1     1      11,760     0.0    .055
Anthony A Macdonald             5     0     1     1      13,750     0.0    .177
Kelly R Sheppard                2     0     1     1       4,670     0.0    .444
Michiel C J Vanderkemp          7     0     1     1       7,560     0.0    .126
Natasha K Day                   6     0     1     0       6,310     0.0    .092
Stephane Pouliot               11     0     1     0       5,750     0.0    .050

                    Last 20 Days 20/2/2025 thru 29/3/2025
                             Minimum of 1 start(s)
DRIVERS                       Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UDRS
James A Macdonald             190    43    34    22     596,075    22.6    .364
Louis-philippe Roy            163    39    18    20     540,100    23.9    .341
Jody C Jamieson               103    14    15    19     248,550    13.6    .278
Douglas R Mcnair               69    14    11     5     210,220    20.3    .315
Travis A Cullen                95    13    13    17     244,684    13.7    .272
Tyler J Borth                 151    12    15    18     222,850     7.9    .174
Bob Mcclure                    89    10    12     8     218,330    11.2    .217
Trevor S Henry                126    10    11    16     235,180     7.9    .170
Scott R Young                  55     9     5     3     109,340    16.4    .232
Tyler S Jones                  72     9     3     9      94,475    12.5    .189

                    Last 15 Days 28/2/2025 thru 29/3/2025
                             Minimum of 1 start(s)
DRIVERS                       Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UDRS
James A Macdonald             141    30    22    19     441,845    21.3    .344
Louis-philippe Roy            115    25    15    13     407,780    21.7    .327
Douglas R Mcnair               56    12     9     5     181,370    21.4    .333
Jody C Jamieson                79    11    12    14     200,200    13.9    .282
Travis A Cullen                69    11    10     9     198,280    15.9    .283
Tyler J Borth                 108     9    12    13     173,200     8.3    .185
Bob Mcclure                    73     9    10     5     181,120    12.3    .222
Scott R Young                  42     8     3     2      95,490    19.0    .246
Tyler S Jones                  47     8     2     4      70,435    17.0    .222
Trevor S Henry                 89     7     7    12     179,200     7.9    .167

                    Last 10 Days 8/3/2025 thru 29/3/2025
                             Minimum of 1 start(s)
DRIVERS                       Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UDRS
Louis-philippe Roy             77    17    11    10     284,490    22.1    .343
James A Macdonald              91    14    15    13     249,410    15.4    .293
Douglas R Mcnair               35     9     6     2     136,010    25.7    .371
Jody C Jamieson                50     8     7    11     135,300    16.0    .311
Travis A Cullen                51     8     7     6     139,860    15.7    .272
Tyler J Borth                  71     8     6     8     127,830    11.3    .197
Bob Mcclure                    50     7     6     5     130,540    14.0    .239
Scott R Young                  31     6     3     1      75,600    19.4    .258
Trevor S Henry                 65     5     5     7     137,380     7.7    .155
Tyler S Jones                  26     5     2     1      42,290    19.2    .247

                    Last 5 Days 17/3/2025 thru 29/3/2025
                             Minimum of 1 start(s)
DRIVERS                       Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UDRS
James A Macdonald              44    10     7     6     137,830    22.7    .361
Louis-philippe Roy             43    10     7     6     164,620    23.3    .369
Douglas R Mcnair               22     6     2     2      87,310    27.3    .353
Tyler J Borth                  34     3     4     3      61,470     8.8    .183
Travis A Cullen                24     3     4     2      65,380    12.5    .245
Trevor S Henry                 30     3     4     2      87,820    10.0    .196
Jody C Jamieson                23     2     6     6      61,820     8.7    .318
Bob Mcclure                    25     2     1     3      47,850     8.0    .142
Tyler S Jones                  14     2     1     0      16,600    14.3    .182
Scott R Young                  12     2     0     1      25,850    16.7    .194
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