Paparazzi Interference At The CDP

Interference is something that happens quite often in harness racing, and when it does you’ll see the letter “i” added to a horse’s chartline denoting interference or “ix” if the horse is interfered with and makes a break


The odd time you’ll even see “ex” added to a horse’s line if it makes a break as a result of an equipment malfunction. You won’t see the letters “px” (for paparazzi break or photographer break) in the past performance information for a horse named Bayous Jewel, but it certainly would have applied in what turned out to be a unique form of interference.

The Judges on staff at the Charlottetown Driving Park gave the colt an “ix” after they determined he suffered inadvertent interference from a photographer.

Standardbred Canada field rep Vanessa Cairns told Trot Insider that a photographer in the infield crouched down during the race and when the horses came by she stood up for her shot. It clearly spooked the horse, causing it to break.

Bayous Jewel managed to regain his composure, and as a result rallied to finish third.

To view the chartline from today’s fourth race at the CDP, click here.

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