Dan Patch Awards To Orlando Again

If you have everything prepared for a winning effort, and that effort results in success, and you have the same people in place for the next time – why make any changes from a winning formula?

So thought the United States Harness Writers Association (USHWA), the sport’s leading group of journalists, who are announcing that their 2019 meetings and Dan Patch Awards Banquet will return to the wildly-popular 2018 site, the Rosen Shingle Creek Resort in Orlando, FL.

“We received unprecedented praise and high marks for bringing our night to honour ‘the best and brightest of the sport’ to Rosen Shingle Creek in 2018,” said USHWA president Shawn Wiles. “The facility proved great for our purposes, the cooperation of the staff was terrific, and above all our Banquet honourees really enjoyed their surroundings. So it’s back to the Rosen Shingle Creek for USHWA in 2019!”

The Harness Writers will have their annual meetings on Saturday, February 23 and Sunday, February 24, 2019 in the central Florida location, with the Dan Patch Banquet held on Sunday evening. More information about prices, journal advertising, reservations, and the like will appear over the next few months on USHWA’s website, www.ushwa.net.


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