New Hearing For Driver Banned 2.5 Years

A harness driver that was recently handed a two-and-a-half-year suspension due to an aggressive steer while aboard a 10-1 shot has been granted a new hearing, according to a published report.
An item on explains that on Saturday, September 16, amateur reinsmen Ray Reekie gave his own horse, Zakspatrol, a very aggressive drive at Addington. He gunned for the lead, and when he couldn’t wrestle it away from the temposetter, he kept at it.
Zakspatrol ended up finishing well up the track, as he was beaten by more than 35 lengths. The horse that had been on the lead, Russian Express, ended up finishing fourth
Reekie would later tell race stewards that his intention was always to go for the lead. The amateur pilot was then found guilty of driving his horse in manner which diminished his chances of winning.
The severity of the initial two-and-a-half-year suspension sounds worse than it actually may have been. Seeing as though Reekie is an amateur driver, the 30-month ban only worked out to a 60-drive suspension. The ruling, which has been revoked, would have seen Reekie on the sidelines until March 15, 2020.
According to a follow-up story, the maximum period of time that Reekie can be fined for the infraction is 12 months. Reekie, who is in his 50s, has been involved in the industry since his youth. The reinsmen has represented New Zealand in overseas amateur racing competition in the past. He indicated that he would retire from the sulky if the initial ban stuck.
Reekie has been granted a new hearing date on the matter, as it is expected to be re-addressed on Friday (September 29) before the racing card at Addington.
(With files from and