Evergreen Park Record For Weekend Bernie

Weekend Bernie scorched Grande Prairie’s Evergreen Park with a 1:53.4 victory, and on a weekend to boot


Driver Mike Hennessey left from post four with the seven-year-old son of As Promised and grabbed the lead in Saturday afternoon’s $11,000 Open Pace. Weekend Bernie set fractions of 28.1, 56.4 and 1:25.1 before kicking home in :28.2 to win by six lengths in a new track record of 1:53.4. Timberline Court was second and JK Royal Flush was third.

Canaco Nolton held the previous record of 1:54.3 set in 2008.

Weekend Bernie is co-owned and trained by Rod Hennessy of Millet, Alberta with co-owner Lorne Duffield of Edmonton.

On the same card, veteran Keith Clark bagged three wins driving and training with Weeping Willow (2:01.2), Double L Trump (1:55.4) and Wrangler Hitech (1:55.4).

To view Saturday's harness racing results, click here.

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