Industry First For Quebec?


The return of the Prix d`Été isn`t the only new wrinkle this season at Hippodrome 3R, which will present its first live program of the year Sunday afternoon.

In what may well be an industry first, the track also will have parallel race calls: one in French and one in English.

The French call, by colourful track announcer Guy Lafontaine, will be carried at the track and on its teletheatre network in Québec.

The English call will be by veteran announcer Jean Desautels, who pioneered the bilingual race call at Blue Bonnets until it closed in 2008. It will be carried on the HorsePlayer Interactive website and at simulcast locations outside Québec that will be carrying the Hippodrome 3R races this year.

Québec Jockey Club manager Vincent Trudel said he called on Desautels because reaching an English-speaking audience is important to the track`s overall growth plan.

To date, 93 simulcast sites across Canada have signed on to take the Hippodrome 3R races this season.

To view the entries for Sunday's season opener at Hippodrome 3R, click one of the following links:
Hippodrome 3R -- Sunday Entries - Sunday Program Pages

(A Trot Insider Exclusive by Paul Delean)

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