Standardbred Showcase Riding Club Formed

With great pleasure, Standardbred Showcase today announced its incorporation as Standardbred Showcase Riding Club, a not for profit corporation. The first meeting took place Sunday, January 11 and elections were held


Within a sizable board of directors, the executive positions will be held Kelly McLaughlin (president), Diane Byers (vice president), Renee Sutton (secretary) and Jackie McManus (treasurer).

"The focus of Standardbred Showcase Riding Club will be the promotion of the standardbred as a riding, showing and pleasure driving horse. There are enough groups promoting the adoption side of the breed. We feel there is a lack of advocacy for the standardbred as a show horse and we are out to advance that," said Kelly McLaughlin.

Last year, Standardbred Showcase held a show with the sole purpose of promoting the standardbred breed as a riding horse. As the response to the show was overwhelming, ideas for a future series of shows were discussed.

The tentative show dates for 2009 are June 28, August 2 and August 30. The three shows will be organized and run by three distinct organizers. The results of each show will be tallied for year-end points. A year-end banquet will take place -- date to be announced. Further information will be forthcoming once plans for the series are in place.

The Standardbred Showcase Riding Club show will take place during Grand River's Industry Day weekend. Grand River has generously allowed us to host our showcase, complete with a trade show and a line up of 22 classes, on August 2, 2009.

For sponsorship opportunities, trade show inquires or entry questions, contact Kelly McLaughlin at 905-335-8115 or by email at [email protected].


i think the standardbred showcase riding club is a great idea and thank you to the newly elected board and good luck to all involved in this endeavor. we produce a lot of standardbreds in this province and unfortunately their racing careers can be shortlived and many don't race at all. standardbreds generally are a very good natured and versatile breed of horse that make great show and trail horses along with their long history as outstanding driving horses. many standardbreds have traces of the immortal "justin morgan" in their ancestry. creating and expanding standardbred riding clubs etc. is the best way i can imagine to provide good homes and useful lives for our non racing and retired standardbreds. i am confident that there will be support from all of us involved in the racing and breeding of standardbreds. jack darling

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