Experience A Day In The Life Of A Trainer


October’s Fan Club draw prize takes you behind the scenes for a unique harness racing experience as you spend a half day with a local horseman to see what a typical day in the life of a standardbred trainer is like


You and three friends will fuel up for the day at a local eatery with a $75 gift card. Then, it’s time to pull on your rubber boots and meet your host trainer at his/her farm or training centre. There, you’ll meet the horses in the stable, learn about what happens on a typical day and tour the facility.

Who knows, you might even be asked to grab a pitchfork and wheelbarrow to lend a hand. Your package also includes some Fan Club swag and photos with the trainer and his/her horses.

The draw for this package will take place on Tuesday, October 11. If you’re not a Fan Club member you have until Monday, October 10 to sign up to be automatically entered.


This is a superb idea - BUT - if, like most of the great ideas that are put forward here, it is only another example of preaching to the choir. It will do nothing to help rejuvenate our sport.
If this contest is only offered on industry media like SC News, Trot or The Canadian Sportsman for instance what NEW fans can it possibly attract?
To have any effect this great idea MUST be advertised in the mainstream media, preferably with FULL page spreads, such as the Toronto Star, Globe and Mail, Sun and every other mainstream newspaper and possibly all the local weeklies as well as mainstream TV and radio! This is how that advertising and promotion budget/fund that has been projected and speculated about for so many years (and KILLED!) could really be used!
The ordinary Joe in the town where I live, that buys The St. Catherine's Standard at the local IGA, has no idea that harness racing even exists, let alone that a world class trainer lives in his town and runs a multi-million dollar a year business at a training centre in his community!

to all the horsemen & women this is somthing very good for the business like you did October’s Fan Club draw prize was to takes them behind the scenes for a unique harness racing experience as you spend a half day with a local horseman to see what a typical day in the life of a standardbred trainer is like! Personally, I would love to see more of this, it would bring fans, groups, horses lovers. l love it.
and l bet the one that got the prize that day was on top of the world.

thank to all of you that came up with this.

Doug Neil Critch a Newfie that love my harness racing

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