McCabe Wins Atlantic Dream Contest

The P.E.I. Standardbred Breeder's Association would like to congratulate Scott McCabe, the 2021 winner of its Atlantic Dream Stable competition sponsored by Phillips Agri Services Atlantic dealers for Brooks Performance Horse Feeds and Shur-Gain Feeds.

McCabe will receive a prize of $2,000.

The top 10 winners are as follows:

1. Scott McCabe: $634,166

2. Mark Pezzarello: $627,851- Dinner for 4 Top of The Park

3. Greg Stymest: $618,234 - Gold Cup Merchandise Pack

4. Tom Hollis: $615,410 - Turfs Gift Certificate

5. Corey MacPherson: $615,010 - Turfs Gift Certificate

6. Jordan McCabe: $615,010 - Turfs Gift Certificate

7. Wade MacDonald: $614,088 - Turfs Gift Certificate

8. Tyler Lynk: $604,707 - Turfs Gift Certificate

9. Brittany Watts: $603,936 - Turfs Gift Certificate

10. Greg Bailey: $603,829 - Turfs Gift Certificate

Prizes will be mailed to the runner-up contestants this week.

The association would like to congratulate all the prize winners and thank the corporate sponsors Phillips Agri Services and Red Shores.

The official presentation was made to grand prize winner Scott McCabe of Charlottetown by Cam MacPhee, representing the P.E.I. Standardbred Breeder's Association, Adam Ramsay with the IWK Foundation, along with Dianne Stewart and John Scales from title sponsor Phillips Agri Services, Shur-Gain Feeds and Brooks Performance Horse Feeds.

(With files from P.E.I. Standardbred Breeder's Association)

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