Quipster Hits Nail On Head

With the mercury taking its annual dip this time of year, the following quote could very well come from anyone actively participating in the harness racing industry at the current moment: "I'd like the shake the hand of the man who developed Under Armour."

In this case, the quote comes from 30-year-old trainer/driver Ryan Stahl, who delivered the line in a story by The Plain Dealer.

Stahl also stated that the conditions may be tough for the humans, but the equine athletes get along just fine.

"Winter weather in Cleveland can sometimes be brutal for the horsemen, but the cold doesn't seem to bother the horses at all," he said.

"It can be a challenge for a driver. What helps to keep me warm is the proper clothing and the adrenaline that is pumping during a race."

Click here to the read the The Plain Dealer article in its entirety.

(With files from The Plain Dealer)

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