Rollins Expecting Word On Plaza Plans

According to a report, Belleville Agricultural Society president Doug Rollins has stated that he is expecting to hear word in the coming weeks whether Plaza Gaming will be officially taking a 75 per cent stake in the

new Quinte Raceway project. has reported in a news item that Rollins is enthusiastic about the deal and that he is 'hopeful' to receive news of Plaza decision by mid-December.

As part of the due diligence process, Plaza is currently looking into whether the investment is in the best interests of the company.

Click here to the read the article in its entirety.

(With files from


Thought it was supposed to be shovels in the ground by end of Sep or Baymount was out. Seems more and more like the Monty Python skit where they tried selling the dead parrot or in Belleville's case flogging a dead horse as that's all that will be left in the area by the time a race track is actually up and running. Guess the whole matter will remain stalled until until Baymount gets money in hand for their property. Simple solution would be to move the track to Quinte west where it would get built in a hurry and Baymount could be removed as an obstacle!

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