Top Trainers at Georgian Downs

Top Winning Trainers for the Year

January 1, 2024 Through August 31, 2024

TRAINERS                      Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UTRS
Ronald A Macdonald             50    18     5     2      96,361    36.0    .428
Jodie M Cullen                 69    17    15     8     113,765    24.6    .405
Brett M Lester                 39    12     4     2      53,806    30.8    .381
Rachel E Andrew                38    11     6     8      62,923    28.9    .447
Gerard Demers                  73    10    18     9      89,798    13.7    .315
Robert Kyle Fellows            41     9     8     8     119,595    22.0    .392
Jean-francois Maguire          32     8     6     4      53,459    25.0    .395
Carmen E Auciello              50     8     1     2      40,314    16.0    .184
Murray L Brethour              28     6     7     4      48,806    21.4    .400
Keith E Jones                  45     6     2     3      42,419    13.3    .180
Jacob Roberts                  43     5     6     8      49,176    11.6    .255
R Joseph Squires               38     5     6     5      41,500    13.2    .263
Kyle J Bossence                28     5     5     5      44,905    17.9    .337
David L Holliday               19     5     5     3      41,788    26.3    .461
Bruce A Macdonald              22     5     3     4      38,518    22.7    .363
Ashleigh M Hensley             19     5     2     5      36,937    26.3    .409
David K Frey                   18     5     2     4      35,080    27.8    .413
Marie Helene Dupont            15     5     2     2      35,819    33.3    .451
Eric Nadeau                    16     5     2     1      52,893    31.2    .402
Tim R Myers                    35     5     1     7      31,567    14.3    .225
Jared A Mann                   13     5     1     0      19,483    38.5    .427
Dean L Nixon                   11     5     0     2      30,740    45.5    .515
Blair R Burgess                34     4     8     4      54,282    11.8    .287
David C Brown                  22     4     3     4      27,576    18.2    .318
Vernon A Cochrane              14     4     3     2      26,257    28.6    .452
Kevin G Benn                    8     4     3     0      26,742    50.0    .708
Matthew Bax                    11     4     2     1      34,050    36.4    .494
Mark A Goddard                 34     3     5     6      31,371     8.8    .228
Chris R Bell                   10     3     2     2      21,661    30.0    .477
Mackenzie B Spence             12     3     1     4      20,667    25.0    .407
Paul W Reid                    12     3     1     3      23,044    25.0    .379
Katelyn M Graham                8     3     1     2      17,769    37.5    .527
Otis J Hall                     6     3     1     1      20,098    50.0    .648
Tim W Jacobson                 12     3     1     1      16,827    25.0    .324
Gabriella Sasso                11     3     0     3      21,690    27.3    .363
Paul L Cameron                  4     3     0     0      13,250    75.0    .750
Richard Zeron                  21     2     6     3      28,222     9.5    .301
Paul Thomas Court               9     2     6     0      17,350    22.2    .592
Julie A Walker                 25     2     5     3      27,199     8.0    .231
Raphael Bourassa               27     2     4     3      23,621     7.4    .193
Richard Moreau                 18     2     4     2      17,854    11.1    .271
Mark G Etsell                  13     2     4     1      26,555    15.4    .350
James K Ellis                  14     2     3     3      15,475    14.3    .333
Katie B Huskinson               9     2     3     2      18,915    22.2    .481
Corey M Giles                   8     2     3     0      13,364    25.0    .458
Tyler Moore                    14     2     2     5      19,288    14.3    .341
Shane J Arsenault               6     2     2     1      17,205    33.3    .574
Melissa L Lamoureux             7     2     2     1      13,142    28.6    .492
Michelle M Leblanc             14     2     2     1      17,436    14.3    .246
Meg J Crone                    15     2     1     6      28,544    13.3    .303

                    Last 20 Days 16/7/2024 thru 31/8/2024
                             Minimum of 1 start(s)
TRAINERS                      Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UTRS
Ronald A Macdonald             31    12     3     0      64,796    38.7    .440
Brett M Lester                 34    11     2     2      46,427    32.4    .375
Murray L Brethour              20     5     7     1      40,468    25.0    .461
Robert Kyle Fellows            26     5     5     5      92,034    19.2    .363
Rachel E Andrew                17     5     3     5      31,470    29.4    .490
Kyle J Bossence                20     5     2     5      37,348    25.0    .388
Jared A Mann                    9     5     0     0      16,613    55.6    .555
Jodie M Cullen                 39     4     6     4      44,910    10.3    .222
Blair R Burgess                24     4     6     1      43,990    16.7    .319
R Joseph Squires               17     4     3     1      27,122    23.5    .352

                    Last 15 Days 28/7/2024 thru 31/8/2024
                             Minimum of 1 start(s)
TRAINERS                      Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UTRS
Brett M Lester                 28     9     2     2      39,415    32.1    .384
Ronald A Macdonald             20     8     2     0      44,686    40.0    .455
Murray L Brethour              16     5     5     0      35,545    31.2    .486
Jodie M Cullen                 32     4     4     4      38,791    12.5    .236
Robert Kyle Fellows            20     4     3     3      81,675    20.0    .333
Kyle J Bossence                19     4     2     5      32,898    21.1    .356
Rachel E Andrew                12     4     2     3      24,250    33.3    .509
Jared A Mann                    6     4     0     0      12,820    66.7    .666
Gerard Demers                  27     3     8     5      35,169    11.1    .337
R Joseph Squires               13     3     2     1      20,940    23.1    .341

                    Last 10 Days 10/8/2024 thru 31/8/2024
                             Minimum of 1 start(s)
TRAINERS                      Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UTRS
Brett M Lester                 27     9     2     2      39,415    33.3    .399
Murray L Brethour              13     4     4     0      28,490    30.8    .478
Jodie M Cullen                 19     3     3     2      27,560    15.8    .280
Rachel E Andrew                 9     3     2     2      18,290    33.3    .530
Robert Kyle Fellows            13     3     2     2      72,050    23.1    .367
Kyle J Bossence                12     3     1     3      23,255    25.0    .379
David K Frey                    6     3     1     1      17,100    50.0    .648
Gerard Demers                  15     2     3     3      16,874    13.3    .311
R Joseph Squires               11     2     2     1      15,805    18.2    .313
Ronald A Macdonald              9     2     2     0      16,826    22.2    .345

                    Last 5 Days 20/8/2024 thru 31/8/2024
                             Minimum of 1 start(s)
TRAINERS                      Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UTRS
Brett M Lester                 17     5     1     1      23,931    29.4    .346
Murray L Brethour               8     3     2     0      19,475    37.5    .513
Marie Helene Dupont             3     2     1     0      14,250    66.7    .851
Kyle J Bossence                 7     2     0     3      11,864    28.6    .428
Rachel E Andrew                 5     2     0     1       9,880    40.0    .466
David K Frey                    3     2     0     1      10,500    66.7    .777
Gerard Demers                   6     2     0     0       7,854    33.3    .333
Ronald A Macdonald              6     1     2     0      11,460    16.7    .351
Robert Kyle Fellows             6     1     1     1      10,225    16.7    .314
R Joseph Squires                5     1     1     1       8,265    20.0    .377

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