Top Trainers at Fredericton Raceway

Top Winning Trainers for the Year

January 1, 2016 Through September 10, 2016

TRAINERS                      Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UTRS
Dr Mitchell M Downey            7     2     2     1       3,510    28.6    .492
Trevor D Hicken                 4     2     1     1       6,327    50.0    .722
Roy E Dickinson                 7     1     2     1       4,130    14.3    .349
Michael B Downey                4     1     2     0       1,750    25.0    .527
Ronnie Gass                     5     1     2     0       5,330    20.0    .422
Stefan J F Decourcey            5     1     1     1         901    20.0    .377
Allan Earl Smith                3     1     1     0       7,294    33.3    .518
Stephen S Mason                 5     1     0     2       3,012    20.0    .333
Bernard D Mccallum              3     1     0     2       6,682    33.3    .555
Luke S Armstrong                3     1     0     1         761    33.3    .444
Gerard N Gallant                2     1     0     1         499    50.0    .666
Barbara L Goodwin               9     1     0     1         718    11.1    .148
Jean Charles P Belliveau        1     1     0     0         512   100.0   1.000
Scott Hubbard                   1     1     0     0         400   100.0   1.000
Melvin C Land                   1     1     0     0         400   100.0   1.000
Paul W Langille                 2     1     0     0       1,258    50.0    .500
Hugh Mac Kay                    1     1     0     0         425   100.0   1.000
Robert J Macneil                3     1     0     0         537    33.3    .333
Jackie Matheson                 1     1     0     0       3,500   100.0   1.000
Donald C Milligan               1     1     0     0       5,050   100.0   1.000
Ellen E Stevenson               1     1     0     0         475   100.0   1.000
Kenneth Glen Wilkie             1     1     0     0       3,400   100.0   1.000
Mary Clare Macdonald            5     0     2     0       4,565     0.0    .222
Shayne S Wright                 2     0     2     0         424     0.0    .555
Sheldon Carl Watts              6     0     1     4         672     0.0    .314
Philip G Reid                   3     0     1     2         471     0.0    .407
Terry A Gallant                 2     0     1     1       3,737     0.0    .444
John D Arsenault                1     0     1     0       1,700     0.0    .555
Andrew C Bustard                1     0     1     0         275     0.0    .555
R Sean Dooley                   1     0     1     0         200     0.0    .555
D Sandra Foley                  4     0     1     0         310     0.0    .138
Warren B Hallett                2     0     1     0         275     0.0    .277
Patricia C Sowers               3     0     1     0         383     0.0    .185
Dr Trevin K Shive               2     0     0     2         396     0.0    .333
Jason K Hughes                  2     0     0     1         770     0.0    .166
Jeff C Lewis                    2     0     0     1         141     0.0    .166
Jamie E Smith                   2     0     0     1       1,756     0.0    .166
Gordon F White                  2     0     0     1         240     0.0    .166
Richard D Armstrong             1     0     0     0          55     0.0    .000
Kenneth P Arsenault             1     0     0     0         808     0.0    .000
Jean R Belliveau                1     0     0     0         544     0.0    .000
Paul E Biggar                   1     0     0     0         340     0.0    .000
Colin M Decourcey               3     0     0     0         157     0.0    .000
Harold N Defazio                1     0     0     0         200     0.0    .000
Edward R Harvey                 1     0     0     0           0     0.0    .000
Wayne D Hubbard                 1     0     0     0           0     0.0    .000
William K Mackay                3     0     0     0          45     0.0    .000
Charles H Miles                 1     0     0     0          64     0.0    .000
G Hughie Murphy                 1     0     0     0         280     0.0    .000
G Irwin Neill                   1     0     0     0         340     0.0    .000

                    Last 20 Days 14/6/2014 thru 10/9/2016
                             Minimum of 1 start(s)
TRAINERS                      Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UTRS
Edward R Harvey                57    19    11     5      12,058    33.3    .469
Stephen S Mason                33     9     1    13      18,230    27.3    .420
Dr Mitchell M Downey           25     8     4     6       6,591    32.0    .488
Stefan J F Decourcey           77     7    15    12       8,061     9.1    .251
Michael B Downey               39     6    10     5       7,433    15.4    .339
Colin M Decourcey              36     6     7     4       3,859    16.7    .311
Michael W Campbell             15     6     4     3       5,068    40.0    .614
Robert J Macneil               23     5     3     3       5,134    21.7    .333
Charles H Miles                14     5     3     1       2,295    35.7    .500
Melvin C Land                  21     5     1     1       7,427    23.8    .280

                    Last 15 Days 6/9/2014 thru 10/9/2016
                             Minimum of 1 start(s)
TRAINERS                      Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UTRS
Edward R Harvey                42    17     7     2       9,635    40.5    .513
Stephen S Mason                21     8     0     7      15,443    38.1    .492
Dr Mitchell M Downey           21     7     3     4       5,713    33.3    .476
Colin M Decourcey              33     6     6     4       3,555    18.2    .323
Stefan J F Decourcey           46     5     8     8       4,277    10.9    .263
Sheldon Carl Watts             35     4     4    11       2,971    11.4    .282
Patricia C Sowers              14     4     3     2       2,749    28.6    .452
Charles H Miles                 9     4     1     0       1,218    44.4    .506
Earl E Watts                   18     4     0     2      16,001    22.2    .259
Tina L Woods                   26     3     6     3       2,488    11.5    .282

                    Last 10 Days 23/7/2015 thru 10/9/2016
                             Minimum of 1 start(s)
TRAINERS                      Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UTRS
Edward R Harvey                21     8     3     1       4,841    38.1    .476
Stephen S Mason                15     8     0     3      14,510    53.3    .599
Colin M Decourcey              28     5     5     3       2,526    17.9    .313
Dr Mitchell M Downey           14     4     2     2       4,660    28.6    .412
Brian R Embleton               10     3     5     1       2,164    30.0    .611
Tina L Woods                   18     3     4     3       1,926    16.7    .345
Sheldon Carl Watts             23     3     3     9       2,134    13.0    .333
Barbara L Goodwin              24     3     3     4       1,881    12.5    .250
Luke S Armstrong               15     3     2     3       2,244    20.0    .340
Charles H Miles                 7     3     0     0         793    42.9    .428

                    Last 5 Days 19/9/2015 thru 10/9/2016
                             Minimum of 1 start(s)
TRAINERS                      Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UTRS
Dr Mitchell M Downey            7     2     2     1       3,510    28.6    .492
Brian R Embleton                4     2     2     0         899    50.0    .777
Sheldon Carl Watts             10     2     1     6       1,354    20.0    .455
Barbara L Goodwin              13     2     1     2       1,236    15.4    .247
Trevor D Hicken                 4     2     1     1       6,327    50.0    .722
Luke S Armstrong                9     2     0     3       1,412    22.2    .333
Edward R Harvey                 3     2     0     0       1,000    66.7    .666
Colin M Decourcey              15     1     4     2       1,121     6.7    .259
Roy E Dickinson                 9     1     2     1       4,183    11.1    .271
Michael B Downey                4     1     2     0       1,750    25.0    .527

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