Top Drivers at Charlottetown Driving Park

Top Winning Drivers for the Year

January 1, 2024 Through September 16, 2024

DRIVERS                       Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UDRS
Marc Campbell                 393    96    66    56     374,330    24.4    .385
David J Dowling               361    77    72    51     255,501    21.3    .371
Adam Merner                   327    62    65    57     289,748    19.0    .358
Gilles J Barrieau             319    56    53    59     244,260    17.6    .329
Jason K Hughes                246    49    39    37     212,501    19.9    .337
Corey W Macpherson            376    46    60    69     234,365    12.2    .272
Ken C Murphy                  332    31    40    66     135,606     9.3    .226
Brady C Sweet                 119    31    21    17      75,874    26.1    .406
Brodie A Mac Phee             167    28    27    25     115,492    16.8    .307
Damian Maclellan              144    20    19    20      62,803    13.9    .258
Kenneth P Arsenault           176    17    29    23      76,540     9.7    .231
Myles Heffernan               179    16    19    25     103,910     8.9    .194
Paul W Langille               112    14    12    17      69,215    12.5    .235
Michael D Mcguigan             78    12    15     9      72,869    15.4    .299
Mark A Bradley                 89    11     9     6      27,187    12.4    .202
Dale Pr Spence                 31     7     6     1      34,375    22.6    .344
Patrick Shepherd               27     5     1     4       8,846    18.5    .255
S Keith Ford                   63     4     9     7      14,589     6.3    .179
Colin D Sheppard               62     4     8     8      15,786     6.5    .179
James H Ripley                 19     4     2     2      11,298    21.1    .304
Steven J Shepherd              29     3     3     4       9,107    10.3    .206
Redmond Kc Doucet               8     3     2     1       8,434    37.5    .555
Steven C Murphy                37     3     1     5       7,742     8.1    .141
Jaycob R Sweet                 13     2     5     2       9,763    15.4    .418
Brett D Leblanc                34     2     3     7       8,417     5.9    .176
Dave B Kelly                   19     2     3     1       5,510    10.5    .210
Todd J L Walsh                 26     2     2     3       5,684     7.7    .158
Dr Mitchell M Downey           17     2     2     2       5,957    11.8    .222
Michael B Downey               17     2     1     3       5,595    11.8    .209
Kyle J N Desroche              13     2     1     2       4,676    15.4    .247
James A Macdonald               7     2     1     2      19,028    28.6    .460
Jordan D Stratton               2     2     0     0      53,187   100.0   1.000
Harold G Shepherd              19     1     4     0       8,705     5.3    .169
Todd G Trites                   7     1     3     1       3,411    14.3    .428
Brett A Macdonald              22     1     2     3      19,517     4.5    .141
Mary Clare Macdonald           15     1     2     3      13,068     6.7    .207
Brad A E Smith                 10     1     2     0       2,324    10.0    .211
Vaughan A Doyle                17     1     1     4       4,054     5.9    .169
David L Obrien                 12     1     1     4       4,841     8.3    .240
Ambyr L Campbell                4     1     1     1       2,118    25.0    .472
Kenneth J Macdonald             2     1     1     0      11,437    50.0    .777
Natasha K Day                   1     1     0     0       1,150   100.0   1.000
Paul W Lanigan                  2     1     0     0       1,571    50.0    .500
Mark A Macdonell                2     1     0     0       1,658    50.0    .500
Marc B Whebby                   5     1     0     0       1,382    20.0    .200
Brett J O Clow                 37     0     2     3       3,857     0.0    .057
Darren R Crowe                 11     0     2     0       5,009     0.0    .101
Jody C Jamieson                 4     0     2     0       7,750     0.0    .277
Rodney Gillis                   4     0     1     1         967     0.0    .222
Rinaldo F Macdonald             4     0     1     1       1,363     0.0    .222

                    Last 20 Days 1/8/2024 thru 16/9/2024
                             Minimum of 1 start(s)
DRIVERS                       Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UDRS
Marc Campbell                 211    63    31    32     285,946    29.9    .430
Jason K Hughes                173    34    32    27     179,158    19.7    .351
Adam Merner                   141    27    26    28     196,561    19.1    .360
David J Dowling               143    25    28    19     132,287    17.5    .327
Gilles J Barrieau             159    25    26    25     160,601    15.7    .300
Corey W Macpherson            158    19    22    33     146,958    12.0    .267
Paul W Langille                95    13    10    14      63,100    13.7    .244
Ken C Murphy                  126    11    16    16      70,771     8.7    .200
Damian Maclellan               55    11     6     7      31,742    20.0    .303
Brodie A Mac Phee              73     9    13    14      71,817    12.3    .286

                    Last 15 Days 12/8/2024 thru 16/9/2024
                             Minimum of 1 start(s)
DRIVERS                       Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UDRS
Marc Campbell                 173    55    20    26     257,116    31.8    .432
Jason K Hughes                133    26    26    20     152,008    19.5    .354
Adam Merner                   119    21    22    24     177,877    17.6    .346
David J Dowling               119    19    22    16     115,171    16.0    .307
Gilles J Barrieau             123    16    21    20     131,734    13.0    .279
Corey W Macpherson            129    15    21    24     128,760    11.6    .268
Paul W Langille                68    13     6    11      56,931    19.1    .294
Damian Maclellan               45     9     6     6      27,547    20.0    .318
Ken C Murphy                   96     8    12    13      58,477     8.3    .197
Brodie A Mac Phee              61     7    10    11      62,708    11.5    .265

                    Last 10 Days 17/8/2024 thru 16/9/2024
                             Minimum of 1 start(s)
DRIVERS                       Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UDRS
Marc Campbell                 126    39    11    17     177,649    31.0    .402
Jason K Hughes                102    19    21    13     106,052    18.6    .343
Adam Merner                    84    16    17    15     138,465    19.0    .362
David J Dowling                89    13    18    12      70,160    14.6    .303
Gilles J Barrieau              89    11    16    14     107,141    12.4    .275
Corey W Macpherson             99    11    15    21      92,439    11.1    .265
Paul W Langille                53     8     6     8      42,672    15.1    .264
Damian Maclellan               35     8     4     5      24,007    22.9    .339
Ken C Murphy                   69     6     8    11      45,824     8.7    .204
Brady C Sweet                  23     6     4     4      20,495    26.1    .415

                    Last 5 Days 5/9/2024 thru 16/9/2024
                             Minimum of 1 start(s)
DRIVERS                       Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UDRS
Marc Campbell                  67    19     7     8     100,465    28.4    .381
Adam Merner                    38     9     5    10      86,398    23.7    .397
Jason K Hughes                 52     8     9     8      58,366    15.4    .301
David J Dowling                46     8     9     6      45,683    17.4    .326
Corey W Macpherson             57     6    10     7      64,392    10.5    .243
Gilles J Barrieau              46     5    11     9      48,435    10.9    .306
Ken C Murphy                   37     4     4     7      25,849    10.8    .231
Brady C Sweet                  13     4     2     3      13,133    30.8    .470
Brodie A Mac Phee              17     3     4     2      26,935    17.6    .346
Kenneth P Arsenault            19     3     3     4      17,646    15.8    .315

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