Bravo for the commissioners!

Word from the Bluegrass is that the full board of the Association of Racing Commissioners International has approved rules that will drastically change the use of whips in harness races.

Drivers will be required to keep the lines in both hands for the entire race. Whips shall not be more than four feet in length and snappers are prohibited.

As you can readily discern, this will change the image of racing to the public because it will restrict whipping to the “wrist-flick rule” that applies in Indiana, always one of the more progressive regulatory agencies.

It’s now up to the individual commissions to adopt this model rule from RCI and that is almost certain to be strongly opposed in some jurisdictions, much as the rule controlling the use of anabolic steroids was strong opposed. In the end, however, I am certain that the new rules will apply in all states and provinces in North America.

I’m sure more details and reactions to the rule changes will be forthcoming in the next few days.


Dean, (and Jack Darling),

I wonder what you thought of the NA cup on Saturday?

I lost count after seven one handed smacks on the show finisher in the stretch, but noticed the driver was not fined.

This contradicts at least two drivers I know fined for less hits in the lane in the last two months in Ontario.

Seems like indiscrimenate application of the whipping rules.

Kind Regards,
Tim Bates

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