59 Sunday

Cool and calm skys and a fast home track necessitated another Sunday training session today and Shadow easily paced his last mile in 1:59 (1:58.3 actually), coming his last quarter with little urging in 28.3. He will now have 2 days off in the paddock because he has had it a bit rough training lately, doing so when we could and perhaps not when we would like. It is supposed to warm up here a bit next week, and Shadow probably won't train again until the end of the week. A tentative qualifier may occur on May 2 at the CDP.



This is good news. I look forward to seeing Shadow Play mature and learn to run with cover. In his wins between the Adios Elim and the BC he either won on the lead or winning it first over. If he's matured like we hope he does, it'll be good to see how he matches up against the 5yo's & 6yo's. His ability to rate on the lead and come home in 26 and change like he did at Balmoral & Club Med only speaks to his intelligence and talent. Truth is though, the one Mister Big is a running fool Mr. Moore. Good Luck going forward.

Blaine MacMillan

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